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Procedure of Teaching

I started the class with stories or casual conversation with the students, then, I go with what is the topic for the day and discuss it to them. After that, we go to our physical activity and then recess time. Sometimes, they have playing inside the classroom or the playground. Lastly, with their two main activities either Art, Math, English or Science.



Everytime I want to talk to the chidren it is so difficult because of our language barriers I just say "Yah, Baik" for me to let them know that i am trying. But, I had overcome it by the help of Rizky who happened to be my translator everyday.


Time Management

The day of my observation Buk Neni give me the arranged schedule for all the children's activity and she told me the alloted time in every activity. I taught every 7:30am to 11:30am from Monday to Thursday. I told my children to help me teach them by following and listening to me.


Classroom Management

Everytime the children are so noisy and talking, I will just say "Eyes on me" and they respond "Eyes on you" by pointing at me. In that way the children knows that I knew that they are not paying attention on me. 

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